Our participation in the Pharmacy Bachelor curriculum

‘Keuzevak’ Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry (Master, 7.5 ECTS)
Studiepunt Farmacie: sign in (aanmelden)

Lecturer/coordinator: Dr. M. Slijper (m.slijper@uu.nl)

Other lecturers: Mrs. J.M.A. Damen, and other members of our group
You will learn how state-of-the-art mass spectrometry (MS) can be used to get insight in protein structures, protein-protein interactions and how proteomics can be applied to study for example which proteins are involved in a disease. In 5 weeks we will teach you both theory and practice of MS. Theory of MS will be learnt both via lectures and via self-study using relevant publications.

The practicing parts are about how to apply a mass spectrometer to study protein folding and the diverse ways of protein digestion aimed at protein identification though MS and MS/MS followed by data base searching. Research projects in our group will be highlighted by the PhD students and post-docs working in our group.

Exam: The research projects will be presented in a power-point presentation. The student hands in a written report on the practical part. The contents is discussed with the lecturer.
Capacity: The course runs once per year (starting period 3; February) with a capacity of max. 12 students.


Group members also teach in many bachelor courses:

FA102 Moleculaire Eigenschappen

FA104 Fysische & Analytische Farmacie

FA107 Geneesmiddelenonderzoek

FA202 Bereiding en Analyse

FA301 Geneesmiddelopname

FA305 Biotechnologie
