Péter Horvatovitch (University of Groningen, NBIC) and Bas van Breukelen (University of Utrecht, NBIC-NPC) won the “Enlighten your Research” -award for their proposal “High Speed light path network for the Netherlands Bioinformatics for Proteomics Platform”. The prize giving ceremony by Minister Plasterk was part of the launching event of GigaPort3 on February 18th 2010.
“Enlighten your research” is a competition on dynamics light paths, organised by SURFnet and NWO. The winners get free access to the light path network and 20.000 Euro to integrate light paths in their research. “With this price we can now create high speed computer networks to analyze large and complex mass spectrometry data.”, says Bas van Breukelen.
For more information about the competition and the proposals you can visit the